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A Beginners Guide to Selling on Amazon

那些已经注册了Prime会员资格的人将获得两天的史诗级优惠, flash sales, and much more.

Sure, it’s a little confusing that it’s called Prime “Day”, but it’s stretched over a couple of days, but we can’t complain. 优惠就是优惠,我们很高兴能利用所有品牌提供的促销活动.

Hold your horses, though. 如果你是一个电子商务品牌,还没有在亚马逊上建立你的业务, 你可能会失去接触数百万额外客户的机会. Seriously.

So, in order to capitalise on the upcoming Prime Day(s), 我们为第一次在亚马逊上销售的人创建了一个初学者指南. Check out our top tips just below.

1. Create an Amazon Seller Account

This should, obviously, be the first thing you do. Amazon offers two options; individual or professional accounts, 主要的区别在于你对你的事业有多投入.

个人交易者每月销售的商品少于40件,不需要任何高级销售工具或程序. In contrast, 专业交易者每月将销售40+项,并希望访问api, more selling reports, and want to sell with certain programs.

Once you create your account, 你可以深入研究如何将你的产品推向大众.

2. Create a Business Plan

Now you’ve created your account, 下一步应该是创建一个可靠的商业计划,这将帮助你的品牌从首次销售到搜索结果的顶部.

你的计划应该包括(但不限于)你的核心业务使命, the products or services you plan to sell, any prior market analysis, your planned marketing strategy, and a financial plan. Granted, this list isn’t everything, but a few key points to include.

不过,一份可靠的商业计划不会凭空出现. 你需要通过查看当前趋势来进行彻底的市场调查, what your competitors are doing, 你想在采购和营销产品上花多少钱, and more. 这需要做很多工作,但这对你的业务来说是最重要的事情之一.

3. Conduct Product Research

Now, 如果你已经在网上以顾客愿意支付的价格销售你的产品, this step may be a little easier for you.

For those just starting out, conducting product research prior to selling is vital, 因为你不想因为你的产品太贵而把人们拒之门外,也不想因为你的产品太便宜而限制你的利润.

In this stage, 最好是多做一些调查,花更多的时间去研究其他品牌和他们的产品. Get as much information as you possibly can; the more you learn, the more it’ll benefit your business.

4. Research Amazon’s Cost Structure

If you’re unsure about the Amazon fee structure, 当你注意到你的渠道由于频繁收费而导致投资回报率下降时,你可能会有点困惑. Below are just a few that you can expect:

Referral fees: 

这基本上是你在卖出一件商品后支付给亚马逊的佣金. 这取决于你销售产品的类别, 但税率在8%到15%之间,亚马逊会自动收取. 一旦你卖出一件商品,你将收到售价减去该商品佣金的百分比.

FBA Fulfilment Fees: 

FBA stands for Fulfilment by Amazon, and when you choose to sell through FBA, 这意味着你把你的库存放在亚马逊的配送中心, where staff will pick, pack, and ship your orders themselves. 使用FBA的一个主要好处是,您的所有产品都将有资格获得Prime送货服务, making customers more likely to shop with you.

This does come with fees, though. 这取决于你销售的产品的大小和重量, Amazon will charge you for picking, packing, and shipping.

Storage fees:

On top of fulfilment fees, FBA卖家将不得不为在亚马逊配送中心存放商品支付额外费用, 这是根据库存的日平均体积计算的(以立方英尺计算).

5. Choose Your Fulfilment Option


As we mentioned just above, FBA与亚马逊处理你的产品存储有关, shipping, customer service, and payments. 这是一种更容易的方式,也是最受卖家欢迎的方式.

FBM代表“由商家完成”,本质上意味着你运行一切. You’ll fulfil sales directly to customers, manage shipping, any returns, and all the customer service. 对于销售定制产品的企业来说,这一点尤其重要,因为这些产品在发货前需要更长的处理时间.

6. List Your Products

Here you go. 现在是时候把你的产品发布到这个平台上了. 

在你的全球最大的博彩平台中包含尽可能多的相关信息. 不要过分地描述你销售这种产品的动机, 但要包括客户想知道的所有必要细节. 要点可以帮助购物者快速了解所有内容,所以要保持要点简短、简洁、切中要害.

有很多方法可以优化你的网站以获得高转化率, which Amazon has broken down in a super-handy video: 

So there you have it! 我们快速入门指南教你如何在2023年亚马逊黄金日之前在亚马逊上开店. 确保你前往亚马逊的“在线销售”门户网站开始工作.

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