
Press Release: iTek电脑解决方案 acquired by interc商业解决方案

西北地区的技术专家, interc商业解决方案,很高兴地宣布,他们已经获得了 iTek电脑解决方案 总部位于肯德尔,这是他们雄心勃勃的收购战略的一部分.

interc商业解决方案 is a highly experienced 和 entrepreneurial team building a network of telecoms 和 I.T. partners allowing them to exp和 their product 和 service portfolios, instantly transforming them into full-service ICT solutions providers. 他们专门从事设计, implementation 和 support of a range of Cloud services 和 business applications including IT managed services, IT基础设施支持, 托管协作和通信解决方案.

iTek电脑解决方案 are the sixth company to join the inTec family 和 bring with them a team of forward-thinking engineers who provide full I.T. 具有深入的跨部门经验的专业知识. They offer innovative 和 reliable computer support 和 consultancy services to a range of successful businesses in South Cumbria 和 north Lancashire. 成为inTec的合作伙伴将进一步加强他们的产品, allowing them to exp和 their portfolio to include larger scale business optimisation solutions as well as a complete telecommunications offering.

iTek董事总经理 本米钦森 评论道:

"Myself 和 the team at iTek are delighted 和 excited to become the latest addition to the inTec technology group. 在过去的10年半里,iTek已经建立了一个专业的团队, 多样化和忠诚的客户群是我们引以为傲的. This deal will allow us to exp和 our current product 和 service offering to our clients, enabling iTek to develop 和 move to the next level with the aim of becoming an all-encompassing ICT solutions provider. iTek have built an excellent reputation within our local IT sector 和 inTec have an excellent reputation in the industry so this deal represents an exciting new chapter for iTek along with our employee’s 和 client’s."

公司十大正规博彩网站评级了电话专家的行列。 黑尔通讯, 企业服务柴郡商业服务 加上云和我.T. 专家  CFM中心巨人网络 作为interc商业解决方案组的一部分.

英特主席 西蒙•何汇特 很高兴欢迎本和他的团队十大正规博彩网站评级我们的团队. 他评论道:

“We are delighted to acquire iTek 和 that Ben has decided to join the group. We have been really impressed with Ben 和 his team 和 we look forward to working with them 和 growing the business."

办公地点在奥特林厄姆, 伯明翰, 斯托克波特和全球最大的博彩平台, the group is on target to cover the whole of the UK in the next 24 months with specialist support functions across the country. 在第二季度, inTec will be moving their head office to a new state-of-the-art office based in the heart of Manchester city centre covering 4,000 square feet to allow for the aggressive growth strategy to continue.

inTec的收购模式在市场上脱颖而出. 在所有情况下, they acquire a controlling interest 但合作伙伴的身份及其管理保持不变. inTec see this as a very important element in ensuring that customers immediately have trust 和 confidence in exploring technology solutions.

The group’s route to market differentiates it from other consultancies in the technology sector 和 makes it a compelling proposition for investors. They work with SMEs offering fully scalable digital technology solutions that can grow with their businesses.

西蒙•何汇特 explained inTec's objective is to bring together a network of telecoms providers who recognise the need to broaden their portfolios but do not have the resources to achieve their ambitions to become one-stop-shop communication 和 technology providers, 从而为他们的业务增加价值. 他说:

“我们的收购模式在市场上脱颖而出. 在所有情况下, 我们获得控股权, 但合作伙伴的身份及其管理保持不变. We see this as a very important element in ensuring that customers immediately have trust 和 confidence in exploring technology solutions. We give companies the ability to offer technology solutions 和 consulting services to their customers immediately, without having to invest their time 和 resources into building the necessary skill sets in house. 这种合作关系是双向的. 我们的合作伙伴可以获得技术技能, consulting resources 和 full back office support necessary to grow their businesses (including Finance, 客户关系管理, 市场营销, 计费, 租赁, HR) 和 we gain a loyal customer base that has been developed 和 nurtured over several years. 这对各方都是双赢的局面.”

inTec can deliver technology that keeps up with the evolving digital l和scape 和 help companies deploy solutions to compete more effectively. The future looks bright for the inTec network who continue to revolutionise specialist support services for SMEs.


“I am delighted that we continue to enhance our impressive partner portfolio 和 am looking forward to welcoming other new partners throughout 2020. 对于我们所有的合作伙伴来说,这是一个令人兴奋和有趣的时刻. 关注这个空间了解更多的发展!”

看到 在这里 浏览有关国际全球最大的博彩平台伙伴计划的进一步资料. 传媒查询,请联络 电子邮件 Andrew Jackson, inTec商业解决方案集团营销经理.

