
Transforming infrastructure: 海军上将's network transformation journey


在当今快节奏的商业世界, 创新是成功背后的驱动力, several companies are redefining their essence and 海军上将 is not left out. 海军上将, 富时100指数成分股中保险业的杰出机构, is breaking barriers and leading the way by transforming its infrastructure in an unprecedented manner.

海军上将 is not just an insurance company; it's a technology powerhouse that happens to sell insurance.

在最近克里斯·贝文的采访中, 海军上将的平台服务主管, he revealed their remarkable journey towards this transformative vision. As the world grappled with the challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, 海军上将意识到了进化的必要性, not only to meet the demands of the present but also to future-proof their operations. This commitment to adaptability and innovation in the face of adversity has positioned 海军上将 as a trailblazer in the insurance industry.

在本文中, we will delve into 海军上将's ambitions for network transformation, 他们一路走来所面临的挑战, and the unwavering commitment that drives their digital future. 


海军上将 embodies a vision that goes beyond traditional insurance services. 正如海军上将平台服务主管克里斯·贝文所说, “我们是一家销售保险的科技公司.” 为了坚持这一愿景, the company has significantly expanded its infrastructure team, 专注于平台工程与技术, emphasising the rising significance of infrastructure in ensuring customer satisfaction and meeting regulatory requirements.

“我们有平台工程, which is a team of engineers focused on building and maintaining pipelines, 提供开发, 生产, 以及产品团队的测试环境. 硬币的另一面是平台技术, 哪些是由所有传统领域技术组成的, 服务器存储网络, 云技术, 数据库管理员,克里斯解释道.


The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a sharp increase in digital interactions with customers along with changes in internal working locations and behaviours, necessitating 海军上将 to scale digital operations while maintaining stability and security. To balance these aspects, 海军上将 is transitioning towards a multi-cloud tenant infrastructure.

“我们的网络是为今天而建,但为明天而设计,” says Bevan, signifying 海军上将’s foresight in preparing for future technological needs. Security, embedded in the company’s strategy, adopts a DevSecOps approach, “现在一切都设计得很安全. 安全是每个人的责任。” 贝文肯定.


As 海军上将 shifts towards an engineering-focused mindset, challenges naturally arise. One such challenge is sourcing talent and resources adept in managing and innovating within the new infrastructure landscape. The complexities of managing dispersed teams add another layer. 考虑到目前的经济形势, budget constraints press for cost optimisation without compromising system reliability or accessibility. Together, these challenges require a nimbler approach to infrastructure management.


“对我们来说, it’s about making sure that we’ve got technical roadmaps in place that support our vision, and making sure that they are aligned and that we’re ready to react to any issues.”

海军上将 remains unwavering in its commitment to transforming its operations to deliver a higher level of service for users, 对内对外. “我们的路线图上已经有了SD-WAN. We’ve transformed the way in which our business, strategic directives, and our IT objectives align. 这是现代的, 灵活的, stable architecture that’s going to underpin 海军上将 for many years to come,” 贝文阐述. 尽管障碍重重, 海军上将的业务转型之旅仍在继续, 满足客户义务和法规要求.

正如贝文总结的那样, “If we do it right by our customers, it means we do it right by the regulators as well.” 


海军上将正在塑造他们的数字化未来, overcoming hurdles to embody their identity as a technology company. Central to this transformation is the network fabric, which Bevan emphasises “它是把我们团结在一起的粘合剂. 这是海军上将所做的一切的传输机制.” Despite the challenges that arise at both technical and human levels, 海军上将’s commitment to 灵活的 strategies and adoption of modern, cloud-considered IT strategies positions them at the forefront of innovation in the ever-more competitive insurance sector.


Challenges are an inevitable part of any transformation journey, and 海军上将 is not immune to them. 然而,, 他们以韧性迎接这些挑战, 积极寻求人才和资源, 适应新的基础设施景观.

海军上将's journey of infrastructure transformation embodies a powerful message for companies across the financial industry. Their transition from a traditional insurance provider to a technology-driven innovator showcases the remarkable potential that lies within every organisation.

Key takeaways for other companies include prioritising technology, 拥抱适应性, 平衡创新与稳定, 培养人才. 海军上将's journey serves as an inspiring example of how any organisation can successfully redefine itself in the digital age by harnessing the power of technology and innovation while remaining customer-centric and security-conscious.

