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The Retailer of the Future

Author: Dan Casey, VCG Director of Customer Operations 

If there’s a more challenging sector than retail, I’ve yet to experience it, and it’s hard to conceive of a vertical more affected by technology, fashion, logistics, and global events.

我们不断被有关网上购物增长的新闻轰炸,因为消费者放弃了不方便的高街之旅,转而选择更方便的体验. The environmental angle is significant too, 随着年轻人购买二手物品和慈善商店的趋势再次受到刺激, supporting the rise of sites like Vinted, that compete with eBay, for items at a fraction of their original cost.

不过,这一切都要归功于零售业,因为它在许多领域开辟了道路. 能够在线或通过应用程序查看库存情况是非常有用的. 如果你对这项技术感到满意,那么去当地的DIY商店寻找你急需的东西缺货的浪费现在已经成为历史.

大多数零售品牌现在都提供在线体验,但与新进入者竞争的行动并不多, who have no legacy infrastructure, let alone ruinous fixed costs, 更多的是“膏药”,而不是深思熟虑的策略——因为在零售业, nobody is 100% sure of the right strategy.

当市场营销部门向财务部门提出新想法,为陷入困境的企业注入动力时, 这感觉就像蓝天上的太空学员与杀戮快乐的算账员——这是在计划因过于困难或与当前系统和设置不兼容而被技术人员拒绝之前.

在供应链复杂的情况下发展数字业务会给底线带来压力, and with margins shrinking due to competition, higher costs, 生活成本危机——对智能运营效率的需求从未如此强烈.

Operational Efficiency Imperatives

Back-end technologies are obviously vital, and retailers were early adopters of point of sale (POS) solutions, enterprise resource planning (ERP), warehousing, logistics, and distribution management. But as early systems and platforms become legacy, 它们增加了操作脆弱性,缺乏支持创新型数字企业需求的能力和寿命.

许多系统很难将库存与在线订单处理以及商店和在线可用的产品数量联系起来. 整个庄园缺乏统一的数据管理导致了一个意大利面条式连接架构的网络, and for many, the time for action has arrived. To ensure survival in a massively competitive world, 企业必须采用以数据为中心的方法和集成的信息流, with systems connecting all parts of the value chain.

Future-proofing the Supply Chain

Ordering, receiving, 随着零售商寻求控制成本和管理库存,高效地运送货物变得越来越重要, and interestingly, 越来越多的人相信,与离家更近的供应商合作会带来物流上的好处. 发展中国家的紧张局势使企业面临供应短缺的风险, 业务负责人密切关注地缘政治等外部因素, wage fluctuations, raw material costs, commodity price fluctuations, and regulatory changes.

强大且可扩展的技术基础使零售商能够快速提高性能并引入新服务, but perhaps due to skill shortages or project challenges, many have failed to progress, 并开始落后于那些抓住机遇的人. 许多人需要大胆的行动来改变技术平台和运营模式.

Trading conditions, ethical sustainable behaviour, 地缘政治的不稳定也无助于提振市场信心, 扭转最近的负面趋势需要与了解挑战的生态合作伙伴一起采取果断行动. 必须引入由底层技术和面向未来的连接性支持的业务转型和新运营模式,以降低运营成本,并为快速创新提供基线平台.

优化和利用技术,最大限度地提高运营效率 and drive better customer interactions can be daunting. But working with a partner that understands the sector, and can bolster in-house expertise, 帮助许多组织设计和实施面向未来的技术平台,以满足最苛刻的新趋势.

Supporting Retailers – Working with VCG

VCG’s heritage is in supporting the retail sector, 我们继续与许多高街组织合作,包括Spar Shop Group特许经营, British Heart FoundationPoundland, and many others. 我们在伦敦拥有全球互连“接入点”(pop)的核心数字8网络, Leeds, 而全球最大的博彩平台则使拥有多处房产的客户能够简化和保护他们的网络和连接. 私人互联网连接确保流量在任何可能的情况下都是“在线”路由, 在我们高度安全的核心站点使用完全保护和监控的互联网断点.

这减少了对每个零售地点脆弱的宽带连接的需求, 并提供商务级网络,以加快服务和响应时间. And as threats from cyberspace increase, 系统和基础设施的强大保护变得更具挑战性和复杂性.

通过将关键功能吸收到我们的托管服务台中,我们降低了客户端的复杂性, 所以客户系统是24/7全天候运行的,确保一切都处于监控和管理之中, especially out of hours, by our dedicated tech support team.

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